As your local Internet Pharmacy, we can offer a wide range of services and facilities for you and your family.
Repeat Prescription Ordering, Collection & Delivery Service
We offer a free repeat prescription ordering, collection and delivery service from local surgeries.
Medicines Sales
We keep a wide range of over the counter medicines and also vitamins and mineral supplements.
Medicine management such as:
Multi-compartment compliance aids e.g. weekly trays
Easy open containers
MAR Charts
Holiday Healthcare
We can advise on medical requirements for travellers, including anti-malaria treatments.
Emergency Supplies
If you need one of your regular medicines in an emergency when you are unable to contact your doctor, we may be able to help.
We must stress that this can only be done in genuine emergencies and it may incur a charge.
If you would like any more information about any of the services mentioned, please phone or email us.
Our staff work hard to provide you with the best possible service. Please treat them with the courtesy and respect they deserve. We reserve the right to refuse to provide services to individuals who act in a violent, threatening or aggressive manner.
When this pharmacy is closed, further health advice and info, including details of other local health services, is available from NHS direct.
You can use :NHS Direct online at or NHS Direct Interactive on digital satellite TV
The NHS Direct telephone service. Call 0845 4647